1. What was the biggest takeaway from building the unit?

I think that the biggest take away that I got from building my unit was that it takes a lot of work. I think that when I was coming into teaching I didnt realize all of the planning that went into it but I do find myself liking to plan and doing the unit and lesson planning day to do.

  1. What would you think about for the next time you build a unit?

Next time I build a unit, I want to make it based around a phenonmon instead of a concept I want students to learn. I think that this will be something that will come with time and something that I will have to work towards in my future as a teacher.

  1. What would you tell people for next semester working on this project?

For the students doing it next semester, I think I want them to know that they don't have to over think anything. This is all stuff that we are very versed on and have talked about many times and they are prepared and ready to make this unit plan. Although time-consuming is fun to do and helps you reflect on all you have learned over your time in the program.

Unit Plan Final Reflection