What does it mean to be an elementary teacher? When? Why?

What does it mean to be an elementary teacher? When? Why?
Photo by Kimberly Farmer / Unsplash

Being an elementary teacher means becoming a brick in the building of a childs education. It means to care for and understand a tiny stranger while convincing them what you're attempting to get them to do is very important. It is understanding yourself and helping others understand themselves. It is to your cap your own opinions while formulating core beliefs for someone else. It is a balancing act of self-care and giving. It is to be tough yet kind, stern but warm, demanding but nurturing.

It is a job that requires resources in a world with limited ones, in a country that currently struggles to share. It is interprative and improvisational but simultaniously brimming with administrative oversight, planning, and requirements. It's highly personal, but it's not about you.

It is now. It's tomorrow and many more tomorrows after. It's many times over, but it's always today.

It is necessary. It is fufilling. It feels alive and human and difficult and wonderful.

It is an impossible task that must be completed each and every day,

at least until the end of May.