What does it mean to be a teacher?

What does it mean to be a teacher?
Photo by CDC / Unsplash

Teaching encompasses everything. Teachers have to craft engaging lessons that fit within a certain time frame and students hold onto the learning from the lesson. Teachers have to build relationships with their students and create a welcoming and safe environment where students are and feel safe in. Teachers have to collect data and work with other teachers and staff members to figure out what the best course of action for students is. Teachers decorate their classrooms and make the rooms functional and aesthetic for students, other teachers, and parents to enjoy. Teachers plan fun lessons so students enjoy learning. Teachers communicate with parents about everything that might go on in a classroom, good and bad, and have to keep good relationships with parents in order to keep good relationships with students. Teachers are constantly learning, going to new professional developments, conferences, training, and going back to school to gain more information about their profession. Teachers are always changing, from day to day, year to year, from new information given from outside sources, and being with a whole new group of students. Teachers reflect on what worked and didn't work and will carry that reflection with them throughout their work. Teachers are emotional support when students are having a rough day and just need a hug or a shoulder to cry on. Teachers are examples to students, showing them how the world works and how to be a good human to other humans. Teachers are making decisions all day long, and then reflecting on if those decisions were right or wrong. Teachers are strong, when long days beat them down, they come back to school the next day willing to try again. Teachers are working outside hours to do research for students, buy supplies for students, plan lessons for students, communicate with students, engage students, and think of students and how they can best support them.

As long as you are a teacher for the students, you are a good teacher.