This is something that I have been wondering about and tackling for some time. I am yearning to teach as much as I can, lead for as long as I can, and develop meaningful relationships with my site classroom. However, being at a school for only three days a week can be tricky. There are times when I feel like I am not in the loop, or that I have missed out on important learning and experiences that are taking place early on in the week. When I arrive on Wednesdays, the students are already in the swing of the week, and there I am, quickly trying to get caught up. From my point of view, being a student teacher means taking on the role of both the teacher and the student. When I am in the classroom, I am constantly observing what my students are doing and what my clinical teacher is doing. At the same time, I am also playing the role of a co-teacher. However, for that co-teaching role to work smoothly, I must ensure that my clinical teacher and I are on the same page. Developing a relationship with my clinical teacher is essential for this co-teaching role. The worry of stepping on the toes of my clinical teacher sometimes comes about. Yet, I never want to feel like I am just a decoration in the classroom. I want to dive into as much as I can. There's a lot to figure out as a student teacher.

What does it mean to be a student teacher?