Okay boring might be the wrong word, but let me explain. Growing up I had undiagnosed disabilities that made school very unpleasant. I knew I wanted to be a teacher so that I could make school a fun and safe place for students like me. Then in high school I completed an internship at an elementary school. I was so far away from my elementary school misery that I could see that I, did not in fact, have the worst school experience of anyone ever. Students came to me with problems that left me speechless. Ever since then I have tried to learn about students who are not like me so I can be a better teacher for them. During this learning I realized that ultimately, being a teacher does not mean being a fun or a savior. Being a teacher means you create a space where students can be learners. Because in a year, you will likely not be their teacher anymore. Your students will go on to lead their own lives. In the short time we have them we need to tell them something: they are their own teachers. They are capable, their thoughts are worth listening to, and their success is worth fighting for. Instead of centering ourselves in classroom we need to center students and allow them to do amazing work. Hence my own personal motto, "be boring, provide fun work,". We need to be a bit boring, because that what supportive figures are. They are consistent, strong, and want to hear about you more than they want to talk about themselves. So I will embrace being boring while my students shine bright!

What does it mean to be a boring teacher?