Unit Reflection

Unit Reflection

What was the biggest takeaway from building the unit?

When building this unit I realized how many different components are put together to teach lessons and make sure students are engaged yet learning on a day to day by being challenged. I also noticed how smoother lessons go when the units are thorough and its always better to over plan than under plan.

Describe a connection you’ve made across two or more of the areas in the unit.

My unit is very broad so I connected different subjects that have to do with dinosaurs that lead one to the next such as learning about dinosaurs, to fossils or habitats to volcanos.

What would you think about for the next time you build a unit?

I would think more about the standards before jumping right into the unit topics. Finding standards that are directly related to dinosaurs was tough but I was able to apply it to some.

What would you tell people for next semester working on this project?

I would tell them to start thinking about their capstone right away! The earlier you begin to plan, and the sooner you figure out what you want your unit to be, it will be fun and engaging to create a thorough capstone that your students will love.