Unit Plan Reflection

Unit Plan Reflection
  1. What was the biggest takeaway from building the unit?

My biggest takeaway from building the unit was the importance of knowing your students. It is necessary to know what your students already know or do not know. It is also important to be familiar with the ZPD of your students. Many times while making this unit I had to consider what things may be too difficult for 1st graders, or in some cases, too easy.

  1. Describe a connection you’ve made across two or more of the areas in the unit.

I saw my assessment and big ideas areas intersect a few times. Many of my big ideas and essential questions were connected and I based them off of each other. It is important that the assessment reflects the content of the unit.

  1. What would you think about for your next unit?

For my next unit I would think about how to improve my language demands section. I struggled with this part the most. I think if I spend more time studying this and becoming familiar with language demands, I won't struggle as much.

  1. What would you tell people for next semester working on this project? (or for me)

Spend more time reviewing language demands. Also, do a little at a time, it really helps. I wish we would have had more workshop time in class.