Unit Planning Reflection

Unit Planning Reflection
Photo by Yosef Futsum / Unsplash

by Alice Guin

The Goal

By the end of Q2, students will write a C.E.R. that incorporates key vocabulary and concepts from our mentor text, Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You in order to demonstrate their understanding of how race was embedded into US systems from the foundation of the country.

*Note to self: Add examples of vocab/concepts

Personal Connection for Students

This connects to students because most of my students are young people of color who have experienced microaggressions and racism in their lives. Many of them are either ELLs or former ELLs, and have experienced discrimination in that regard. The content of this learning goal relates to their daily lives.


I would assess this using a CER rubric. Something that looks like this:

Language Demands, Cognitive Demand, Standards, Oh My!

The language demands include reading (and listening as we listen to the audiobook version of the mentor text) the mentor text and writing the CER.

The cognitive demands of this goal largely fall around students' ability to analyze and reason, which would fall under DOK 4. Students will also have to recall information and vocabulary from the text (DOK 1).

(Some) Standards addressed:

History 1.1a - Formulate compelling and supporting questions after evaluating primary sources for point of view and historical context.

History 1.1b - Gather and analyze historical information to address questions from a range of primary and secondary sources containing a variety of perspectives.

Important Considerations in Planning

Important to me in unit planning is considering the goal we are working towards and making sure that goal is clearly communicated to students (in a way they can understand) and includes success criteria that are measurable.