My biggest take away from building the unit was the creative aspect of it. It was fun being able to create my own dream unit and having total freedom around what is being done and how I am assessing students.

The main idea of my unit was the reproduction of plants. One connection I made within my lesson was the reproduction of plants and how this connects to climate change. Another connection I made within my lesson was the importance of plants, what the offer to us and how this correlates with various ecosystems.

For my next unit I want to focus more on the assessments. I want to create more assessments that are equitable for all learners, along with being more creative with the assessment process. Assessments can cause a lot of anxiety within students. I want assessments to be a fun and engaging experience for my students.

I was worried and overwhelmed with the idea of developing and finishing this assignment. It was not as intimidating as I anticipated! For future students I wouldn't let yourself get too overwhelmed with the idea of finishing this assignment, just have fun with it!

Unit Building