What was the biggest takeaway from building the unit?

My biggest takeaway from building the unit was tying the Colorado State Standards with the learning objectives. It's important to tie them into the standards but also make sure that they are appropriate and fit in with the necessities needed by the group. I also found it important to make a rubric that fits the assessment given to the students. I liked changing and putting what I was looking for in the rubric.


A connection I have made is using the essential questions throughout the classroom. We have had essential questions for the students in the classroom, and I noticed the importance of having a question. The students have been introduced to the question, and we focus on that question for a week. We do multiple things to have the students understand the question if the students have a good understanding of what they learned about and from the question.    

Next Times

What would you think about for the next time you build a unit?

The next time I build a unit, I want to identify the Colorado State Standards before going far into the unit. I found it useful to have the standard to create my essential questions.

What would you tell people for next semester working on this project?

For the people working on this project next semester, the unit template is straightforward. It's easy to work with, including for creating a unit for a preschool classroom.  

Unit 1 Review