In designing my unit, "Exploring the Cosmos: Unveiling the Mysteries and Wonders of Space, one of the goals is to "cultivate curiosity and critical, critical thinking, and a deep appreciation for the grandeur of space." This goal fits well with the context for learning outlined in Chapter one, as it recognizes the diverse interests and backgrounds of my sixth-grade students.

Connection to Students: My students come from various cultural backgrounds, and many have expressed interest in space related topics during some of our discussions. This goal connects directly to their natural curiosity about the universe, providing a meaningful context for learning that aligns with their interests.

Assessment: To assess this goal, I would employ both formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments could involve students' active engagement in discussions and interactive activities during the unit. Summative could be through a culminating project where students create a presentation or interactive media, showcasing their newfound understanding and appreciation of space. CER can also be integrated into the assessment, which allows you to not only evaluate students' knowledge but also their ability to think critically, analyze data, and make educated, informed claims.

Language Demand: The goal requires students to engage in discussions, express their thoughts, and present their findings effectively. Language demand is high as students will need to communicate their curiosity, explain complex astronomical concepts, and communicate their appreciation for space through writing and presentations.

Cognitive Demand: Critical thinking is at the core of this goal. Student are encouraged to question, analyze and synthesize information about space, which demands higher-order thinking skills. In the context of Bloom's Taxonomy, several levels are relevant, from remembering and understanding basic facts to applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.

Standards alignment: This goal aligns with the Common Core State Standards for speaking and listening as well as the integration of visual information with other informational texts.

I believe the that the most important consideration in unit planning is how to foster genuine curiosity and engagement in students. This goal ties directly lesson planning where specific activities, will be designed to ignite and sustain students.' Interactive media - NASA's virtual tours can be used to explore celestial wonders and would be a lesson plan aligned with this goal.

Unit Blog post