Thoughts on Student Feedback

Thoughts on Student Feedback

When providing feedback for students, the two things that immediately come to mind is it must be specific and timely. Specific, meaning when we give students feedback we need to give explicit detail and example as to what we are talking about and what could be done different. Timely, meaning it must be given in a timeframe where students can benefit from it and use it immediately to adjust their work. When giving feedback, I also think it is important to let students know what they are doing well! Feedback can feel like a lot to students if we only focus on what they need to change or grow in. Hearing what they do well helps build confident students. Knowing the why is also important. Why are we giving feedback? Why are we learning what we are learning? Why is this beneficial? Purpose is important. Feedback is a tool teachers can use at all times, but it must be used with intention in order for it be effective to student learning.