My final reflection:

My final reflection:

What were the most significant lessons or insights you gained during your teacher preparation program?

In general, I've found this teacher preparation program to be highly immersive and effective. As an international student and a former middle school teacher in China, I had limited knowledge about the structure of American elementary schools. This program offered thorough courses, enabling me to acquire theoretical insights across various elementary school subjects. Simultaneously, the internship component allowed me to translate theoretical knowledge into practical application, providing a firsthand understanding of the real dynamics in today's classrooms.

The most significant insight I have gained in this program is that teaching is so dynamic and the teacher always needs to be adaptive and responsive. The interplay between planning, implementation, and reflection forms a continuous cycle, emphasizing the need for flexibility and responsiveness in instructional practices. When I taught my lesson, I found that I could not stick to my original plan because my students did not respond as I expected.This realization prompted the need to closely observe students' reactions, make quick judgments, and implement adjustments on the spot—an aspect that still poses a significant challenge for me.

Reflecting on your coursework, what specific skills or knowledge gaps do you feel you still need to address before entering the classroom?

There are still a few things that I think we should learn before stepping into the classroom. We had literacy courses for three semesters which laid a great foundation for me. However, I felt that we had focused so much on reading while neglecting writing instruction somehow. Another thing is that although our program is Elementary Education, it is still necessary for us to learn something about special education because we all have SPED needs kids in our general classroom. Furthermore, while I recognize that classroom management skills are honed through practice, having a basic understanding of commonly used skills and strategies would undoubtedly enhance our preparedness. In essence, addressing these aspects would contribute to a more well-rounded skill set as I transition into the teaching environment.