Final Refelction

Final Refelction
Photo by Satyajit Bhowmik / Unsplash
  1. What aspects of the program (courses, practical experiences, workshops, etc.) do you feel were particularly impactful in preparing you for a teaching career? 

I feel that the most impactful for me in preparing for my teaching career was my last semester of student teaching. Before starting this semester I was nervous and scared to start taking over more and being at my site school more etc. but now reflecting back I have grown so much in the last 5 months. I was able to plan lessons, work on my confidence, teacher voice, strategies, how to support students and adjust lessons on the spot. The list could go on and on. Now that the semester is almost over I feel confident enough to have my own classroom and I have to say that that was something I did not feel confident about at all at the beginning of the semester. 

  1. What subjects or areas do you wish were covered more extensively or in greater detail during your teacher preparation program?

I would have liked to have been able to have a course that covered classroom management more. I feel that this is something I specifically don't feel that confident in and is something I am still trying to figure out. I have been able to use strategies my mentor already had in place but I feel at times engagement and behavior could be supported better if I had better classroom management. It is just something that I will countinue to strive to imporve on.

-Alyssa Boss