1. My biggest takeaway from building this unit was just realizing how much goes into planning a whole unit. I think that for me I get stressed out very easily with tasks like this because of how much goes into this seeming small thing, but in reality it's a lot of work and planning, you have to take into consideration each of your students, think about what you want them to get out of this unit, and plan individual lessons for within the unit. It's a very task heavy part of being a teacher.
  2. I think the next time I plan to build a unit I will try and take it easy on myself, I think I am way too hard on myself especially because this unit plan was more of a dream unit for me. Next time I do a unit I want to really just take my time to really think about at least getting down a base for it and then digging deeper as I go, more backwards planning rather than a beginning middle and end type of planning.
  3. I would tell people who are doing this for next semester to just realize that a plan is NEVER going to be perfect or go perfect. there is always going to be something you missed or something that didn't go as planned. Don't give up, keep pushing.You got this !

McKenna Whitten

Chapter 1 Part 3