Chapter 3: Feedback and student work

Chapter 3: Feedback and student work
Photo by AbsolutVision / Unsplash

Chapter 3 (Part 1): Why is feedback important?

Feedback has been known to be an important part of the learning process. Especially when coupled with deliberate practice, feedback can help students spend their time mastering aspects that they need to focus on most rather than practicing what they already know. Effective feedback works as a map to guide students by letting them know where they are now and what to work on in order to get to their goal. Without good feedback, students may carry misconceptions that they did not even realize they had while learning the material and walk aimlessly towards a goal without being sure how they can get there.

So...What constitutes effective feedback?

We are going to start class today with Reflection. I want you to choose one of the following articles. When reading, think about the following prompts.
1. What do you privilege when you provide feedback?
2. How does it connect to the content you are teaching?

  1. Feedback - Part of a System-Dylan Wiliam
  2. Know Thy Impact - John Hattie
  3. Feedback Frizzle - Susan Brookhart
  4. Secrets of Effective Feedback - Dylan Wiliam

For this blog. From your reading and reflections, write a short blog about your thoughts and what you privilege when you focus on providing feedback. We will use this as a conversation for our next steps in exploring feedback.

If interested talk about your thoughts on the differences between grades and feedback. Don't hold back!