Chapter 2: Lessons from planning ... lessons

Chapter 2: Lessons from planning ... lessons
Photo by Eric Rothermel / Unsplash

Chapter 2: Part 1 - Making connections across lesson plans

I want you to write a blog this week that adds to your thoughts (with a new objective, or expanding upon your last one) – Think of last week as a Rough Draft. Remember to Focus on:

  1. Take the / an objective for one of your capstone lesson, connect it to:
  2. Some form of assessment (Could be the question you mentioned today)
  3. A task from the lesson (lesson plan)
  4. Who your students are (pull from context for learning)
  5. Cognitive demand/Language demand
  6. This week I want you to add to the bottom of your blog some of our favourite resources. Add links, articles, resources, anything that you’ve found helpful in your Lesson Planning experiences.

Previous Semester Reflections

Student 1
Student 2
Student 3