Chapter 1 - Part 2 Reflection

Chapter 1 - Part 2 Reflection
Photo by Marcel Strauß / Unsplash

The goal that I chose to use is, I can use a number line and area models to find equivalent fractions. I believe this can connect to my students directly because a lot of students in the class need multiple ways or hands-on ways to solve problems. Giving the students the option to solve a problem with a number line or with an area model gives them a choice and allows them to choose the way that is best for them. To assess this, every student is taught how to find equivalent fractions using a number line and area models, and they are able to choose which way is best for them to find equivalent fractions. Whichever one they pick to use to solve their problems, I will look at each student's work, and see how they utilized a number line or area model to help them to solve the problem. If the student successfully solved the problem using a number line or area model, I will know that they met this learning goal. This goal connects to the standards because a lot of the standards for this unit have students represent their fraction work with a picture (number line or area model). This gives students the chance to master using pictures to help them solve simple problems and more challenging problems as they go on throughout the unit. For cognitive demand, this goal has students apply area models and number lines, understand the meaning of an equivalent fraction, and recognize equivalent fractions. These different levels of cognitive demands have students do more than just apply what they have learned. They need to understand and apply their knowledge and be able to explain how they got their answer, which raises the cognitive demand of this learning goal. This goal does not connect to many language demands. A part of a speaking language demand that is asked of students for this learning goal, but not explicitly stated is being able to justify their answer and explain the steps of how they solved the problem. The most important thing that I have needed to consider when planning this unit is the different grade levels of math. In the math class that I teach, we have some students who are gifted and talented in math and then some students who are two grade levels below in math. It can be very hard to differentiate between these two groups in whole-group instruction. This greatly connects to lesson planning because although I won't be able to change the whole group instruction a ton because of the curriculum, it is important that after the whole group instruction, I take the students that need the most support into a small group and give them some more very supported instruction, and give the other students who excel in math an activity that will challenge them that is related to the content just learned, but a higher level of thinking activity.