Lesson 1 objective:
Students will analyze and learn about basic dinosaur characteristics. They will learn the basic facts of these giant reptiles—body parts, how they moved, what they ate, and how they were born as eggs.
Task 1: Students will engage in listening to the book while learning about what dinosaurs are, how they hatch from eggs, how many legs they have, their eating habits, and their physical properties. Students will get to become paleontologists and will hammer at the eggs with a wooden stick until they get the dinosaur out.
Assessment: I will have all the kids sit in a circle and analyze the dinosaur they got. Students will then turn and talk with a partner and share what characteristics their dinosaur has. As an informal assesment, I will listen to the conversations students will be having with their partners about the dinosaur they broke out of the egg and compare it to their partner’s dinosaur to see if they are naming characteristics.
My Students: This group is a very energetic and love learning love bugs! They get very excited about the outdoors, nature, and anything messy! Dinosaurs are definitely our class go to when it comes to our class theme. All students are excited to roar and stomp their way through the school from morning til end!
Language Demand:
Speaking- Students will pair with their partners and talk about their dino characteristics and knowledge.
Listening- Students will listen to the book and instructions
Language function: Students will use verbal language to express their observations and share their knowledge of the dinosaurs. They will ask questions about what dinosaur characteristics they are still curious about.
Language Forms: Students will use language forms within their verbal expression to talk to peers about dinosaur observations.

Cognitive Demand:
Students will create dinosaur figures out of Play-Doh during art time. Students will also create patterns out of dinosaurs during math time.
Evaluate: Students will evaluate the characteristics of the toy dinosaur that they broke out of the egg.
Analyze: Students will analyze what characteristics make a dinosaur in depth by engaging with the book.
Apply: Students will apply the knowledge learned during the dinosaur egg activity by sharing what dinosaur they got and what activities make it similar or different to the other dinosaurs.
Understand: Students will understand that dinosaurs all have unique characteristics that make them all different.
Remember: Students will have to remember different dinosaur characteristics to describe the dinosaur they got from the egg activity.
Fave Resources:
- its been so useful when it comes to creating my own cool slides, flash cards, student assignments, and specific content related templates! When I cant find what i need, I make it! https://www.canva.com
DannyGo & DjRaphi- These two youtubers make great movement songs for the classes that need more wiggles out and have gone through all of the GoNoodle songs!!! DannyGo has songs about many topics while DJRaphi converts regular songs into rave like dances!

Danny GO: https://www.youtube.com/@DannyGo

Dj Raphi: https://www.youtube.com/@DJRaphi

Bad to the Bone 🦴🦖🦕